Resolution 2021: Be Fit.

6 min readDec 28, 2020

How to stick to your resolution? Here are 10 tricks!

2020 was nobody’s favourite. Global Pandemic has affected people on many levels. Staying fit physically and mentally is a tough challenge now! But this is the last month of 2020, and 2021 is waiting for us, shining with hope. And we do know one thing for sure. All our FITKE Community members will stay FIT in 2021.

Are you excited for 2021? Have you picked your resolution already? Well planned resolutions are good but have you noticed that your excitement and determination just fades away in February?

Fret no more! We have 10 simple tricks to keep you motivated. Here we go:

  1. Pick just one resolution
Photo by Silvan Arnet on Unsplash

Did you know we all have got limited supply of willpower? Resisting day-to-day temptations takes a mental toll on us. That is why picking more than one resolution is harder, considering our new-age lifestyle. Also, when you have just one thing to focus on, the results are much better. Don’t go overboard. Take one at a time and hit it right!

read more about willpower :

2. Set a measurable goal

Imagine you are set out for a long ride and you don’t know the destination. You will enjoy the element of surprise, maybe! But imagine if you know the destination, it will be a better-planned journey. You will know how much time you need and how much fuel you need.

The same is true for your fitness journey. Setting a goal you can measure will keep you motivated when you start reaching the goal, even in small increments.

Example: I want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Great goal! But not measurable. What is a healthy lifestyle? Let’s try to rephrase- I will sleep early every day. Or I will eat home-cooked meals at least thrice a week. Achievable! Right?

3. Dream big, plan small

It is a crime to dream small, says APJ Kalam. For any goal in life, you want to see the big picture. Don’t limit yourself when you are dreaming and imagining the future of ‘YOU.’

And how will you get there? Plan small. One step at a time. Consider smaller details.

Example: Aim for the marathon you always wanted to complete. And then plan smaller steps. When is the marathon? I will need stronger legs for running a marathon. I need to increase my endurance. Big goal, planned into smaller steps!

See why small steps are necessary : 6 reasons why small steps are the best way to tackle big goals (

4. Be realistic

We all know our strengths and weaknesses. We know what we can do and what we can’t. Keeping your goal realistic makes it easier to pursue. You stay motivated if you know that your goal is realistic and achievable.

Example: If you have a night shift, it is not realistic to have a goal to sleep early every day.

If it is just a week before a marathon, don’t aim for this marathon. Training for a marathon in a week is not realistic. Instead, keep your eyes fixed on next year’s marathon.

5. Create cues

Photo by erica steeves on Unsplash

Creating cues leading to a specific action helps you build a habit. Set some actionable steps to your fitness goal around the activities you do daily. This way you won’t forget it, and you will form a habit. Example: I will take my multivitamin tablet right after my workout. The workout is my cue here, which my mind will never forget. And my mind will remind me every time I finish my workout.

6. Make it easy

Don’t add unnecessary steps and complications towards your goal. If you want to go jogging early in the morning, don’t make it difficult for you to find your shoes. Keep it beside your bed so that you don’t waste time and energy searching for it. Remember, willpower is an exhaustible resource. Use it wisely.

7. Celebrate small success

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Do not neglect smaller achievements along your fitness journey. You want to lose the extra few pounds you gained during the lockdown. Don’t forget to appreciate your efforts towards your goal, even if the number on the weighing scale is not moving. You are now going to the gym regularly! That is a great success already.

If you don’t reward your mind for all the hard work, it will give up very early. We don’t want to give up! All it takes is one pat on the shoulder and we are supercharged to achieve the next milestone.

8. Don’t beat yourself up

Every Journey has its ups and downs. We just discussed celebrating the ‘Ups’. Also, don’t forget the ‘Downs’. These are equally important for any journey.

You have decided to go to the gym at least thrice a week, but you want to meet a deadline at work and you missed an entire week at the gym. Move on. Don’t beat yourself up. Start again as soon as possible. When you don’t give up at this point, half the battle is already won!

9. Be patient, be kind to yourself

Remember, it is a journey. Not an overnight change. Even nature takes time to convert a flower into a fruit. Any positive change will take time. Be patient. Be kind to yourself. Make mistakes. Learn from those. Blame-game is of no use. You want to change for the better. Keep tracking the progress with short and regular intervals to assess yourself. Realign if needed. Give yourself some time to become a better ‘You’.

10. Ask for support

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Sticking to your New year’s resolution for the entire year could be tough and overwhelming. Continuing your fitness journey alone might get lonely. But you don’t have to be alone. There is no shame in asking for help. Ask your family, friends for support if you feel that you are not as strong as you want to be. Find a workout partner. Learn to cook with your mother. Join fitness groups. Be a part of the community. Motivate each other. Stay Connected. Stay Fit.

Don’t have a fitness partner? Sign up for Fitke Community and you will never be alone in your fitness journey

We are all set to embrace 2021. Now that we are all connected and part of the Fitke Community, our fitness journey will be much easier and sustainable.

In case you have not subscribed to our newsletter here is a link :

We would love to know your progress, your thoughts, your stories about your fitness goal and journey. Keep us posted. You can tag us @fitkonnect or use #fitkonnect to get featured. You never know you will be an inspiration for thousands of others who wish to embark on a similar journey.

Happy New Year Fitfam! Have a healthy and fit year ahead!




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